Saturday, September 7, 2024

"Out of the Fog"

A new Choose your own adventure.
AI see what you did there...

In the great library a man walks... His inner child can't wait to see it. He opens a sleek case, Inside is a story teller. This contraption was made to help children remember the stories of the past. The man takes it over to the open space. Setting the object on the rug in the centrer of the space. He touches it, It activates and floats just off the carpet. It begins to tell the story. Projections begin to display all around and the child inside smiles... And so does the Man.

The story teller speaks: You open your eyes and find yourself tied up in a cave with what sounds to be a group of goblins just barely out of earshot.

The man speaks: I look around carefully not to make any noise.

You take a cautious look around the cave, trying to avoid making any sounds. There is a slight glow illuminating a bit of the cave. It seems to be coming from the other side. You can also hear the feint sound of what you assume to be goblins chatting amongst themselves.

Do I see a way out?

You scan your surroundings for an exit and notice a crevice in the cave walls. It is small but looks like it would lead outside. The goblins sound like they are getting closer though.

I quickly check my clothing, I find nothing, Then I remember for just a second, and I reach for it, The symbol from a long time ago.... The man reaches up to his chest, The silver amulet shimmers into existence at his touch. I was given this... a good long time ago.... Words come to mind, the man speaks them.

You activate your talisman unconsciously that is hanging around your neck, Suddenly coming into view as you touch it. You feel the words, the sudden power surrounds you and you are transported through the opening in the cave. The room glows slightly as the spell fades from view.

You find yourself teleported safely outside of the cave.

I don't remember much, the man says out loud, no one in the library hears him. I know that the talisman is important and I remember.... I don't remember much about myself. What should I.... I've escaped.

You find yourself standing outside of the cave, with the fresh air around you. The sounds of a nearby forest can be heard, with crickets and other creatures in the distance. What do you do now?

I listen for the nearest sound of water as I will be needing a drink soon. Where do I hear the nearest water?

You listen closely and after a moment, you hear the sound of rushing water in the distance to your left. The sound of a river can be heard through the trees, and it sounds like it is coming from that direction.

I feel a familiarity with the forest I walk lightly and carefully and silently towards the water.

As you walk quietly towards the sound of the river, you notice that the forest looks strangely familiar. You navigate through the trees effortlessly, trying to make as little noise as possible. As you get closer to the sound of flowing water, you start to realize that you've walked this path countless times before.

I come close to the water's edge but still obscured by the trees. I look around what do I see?

You approach the river's edge and take a careful look around you. The forest seems thick and dense, with the trees and brush making it difficult to see past a few dozen feet. The light of the moon casts a dim glow over the area, giving some light to see by. The river is wide, and appears to run for quite a distance in both directions along the bank. There is a soft breeze coming off the water, causing the leaves around to rustle.

I scooped some of the water and I'm concerned that it might be bad to drink. I close my eyes and ask the magic of the forest if the water is clean. Is the water clean?

You close your eyes and clear your mind, then ask the spirits of the forest if the water is clean. As you focus, you feel a connection with the forest around you, and a sense of familiarity comes over you.

The forest whisper to you, saying, "The water is clean and safe to drink."

I drink the water. It is refreshing and I feel renewed. Looking around I hear something in the distance I can't quite make it out. What do I hear?

As you drink the water and feel refreshed, you start to hear something in the distance. The sound is faint, but it seems to be coming from the north. It sounds like the sound of voices, but you can't make out any distinct words or conversation.

The voices seem to be coming in my direction! I back into the trees and climb up the branches so that I'm out of sight. As the voices get closer what do I see?

As the voices get closer, you climb up into the trees and hide amongst the leaves. As you watch from your vantage point, you see a group of four goblins pass underneath you. They seem to be carrying some torches and talking amongst themselves.

Can I hear what they say?

As you listen intently from your hiding spot, you can make out some of their conversation. They are discussing a plan to raid a nearby village, and they seem excited about stealing riches and women. One of them also mentions that they're on high alert because the village has hired some mercenaries to patrol the area.

I watched them pass by. I have a plan, I'll follow them a little way off. I'll see if I can stop them.

You decide to wait for the goblins to pass, then silently follow them from a distance. As they continue on, you move stealthily through the trees, keeping them in sight but staying hidden. They seem to be heading in the direction of the nearby village, and they appear to be taking a less conspicuous route.

Do I see them in a group?

You watch the goblins as they travel further, and you notice that they are not in a single straight line. About three of them are walking together in a small group, while one of them is hanging back a bit, walking slightly behind the others. This one seems a lot less conspicuous and alert than the rest.

I touched the ground feeling the familiar forest floor. I close my eyes, I ask the forest trees to stop the goblin who is behind. Does it work?

You reach out and touch the ground, tapping into the familiar magic of the forest. You send a mental request to the trees, asking them to trip the lagging goblin with a root. The trees respond, and a root snakes out from the ground and trips the goblin, causing him to fall to the ground.

Do the other goblins notice?

The other goblins are walking a bit further ahead, and don't seem to notice that their lagging companion has tripped. The goblin who tripped now seems to be struggling to get up, and is far enough away from the other goblins that you might have a chance to ensnare him.

Well here I go...  I'm picking up a large Rock. I jump on him and smack him in the head with The rock. my hope is to knock him out.

You grab a large rock, and stealthily jump down from the trees. You land on top of the goblin driving the rock into his head. With that swift strike, you knock him out.

I searched the goblin to find some tools. Why do I know goblin's have tools, I think? What other items do I find? Tell me what those other items are and what the tools are?

You search through the goblin's clothes, looking for any tools or other items. You find a small pack, filled with:

Small dagger
A crude map
A small pouch with coins
A bundle of rope
A few small stones
A small bottle filled with a clear, strong-smelling liquid

I take all the items to supply myself. I'll try to slow him down, I tie him up and put him into some thick bushes off the trail. I continue up the trail following the goblins as they continue to make enough noise to be heard.

You take the goblin's items for yourself and stash the goblin in some thick bushes, tying him up. You then continue to follow the other goblins, who are still making noise as they continue on the trail.

I get close enough to them. The talisman calls, I reach for it, words come to mind, I speak them. This causes the goblins to think that each one of them is an enemy. Tell me what they do?

You approach the goblins, still hidden from sight, and hold your talisman. You speak the words that come to mind, suddenly causing all of them to see their fellow goblins as enemies. Confusion and chaos immediately erupt among the goblins.

One of the goblins draws his weapon and attacks another one, thinking he is an enemy. The other goblins follow suit, and suddenly, chaos and disorder take hold as they all start attacking each other.

While they are attacking each other, I look around at what things do I see?

While the goblins are engaged in infighting, they are too preoccupied to notice you. You take a look around and find some supplies and other items lying nearby:

A small stash of weapons and armor
A small pile of coins and other trinkets
A few pouches of food and water
A leather bound journal

I stashed the journal and the coins. And back into the forest waiting for the melee to die down. Of the three goblins tell me how many are left alive?

You stash the journal and coins back into the forest and slip back into hiding, waiting patiently for the chaos to subside. Once the fighting comes to an end, you peek out from behind a tree to find that two of the goblins are still alive, while the third is lying motionless on the ground.

The two goblins who survived the infighting are both injured. One seems to have a deep cut on his arm, while the other is holding his side and wincing in pain. They seem winded and weakened, likely from the intensity of the brawl.

Do either of the goblins have armor on them?

Yes, both of the goblins are still wearing their armor. However, the armor is damaged and dented from the fighting, and may not provide as much protection as it once did.

I close my eyes, and reach for my talisman. I say the words, My effort is to have the goblin come back to life as and re-attack.

You raise your talisman.You focus your energy and cast Undead on the fallen goblin. The spell takes effect, reanimating the goblin.

With a sudden surge of reanimated energy, the goblin springs back to life and leaps forward to attack the other goblins. The goblins suddenly face each other once again, engaging in a fierce and unexpected 2nd battle.

Unrelenting and fearless, the undead goblin lashes out with a newfound fury. The two goblins struggle and fight, but the supernatural strength of the undead goblin gives it an advantage.

The battle between the living and the reanimated is brutal, but eventually, the undead goblin gains the upper hand and deals a lethal blow, ending the fight.

The undead goblin begins to step forward as if he would attack me?

Yes! the undead goblin turns its attention towards you. It seems to be under the influence of the spell it takes a step forward, as if preparing to attack.

I hold my talisman and think negate which i hope will end the undead spell.

You react swiftly and hold your talisman, channeling your power to cast Negate, which counteracts the effects of the Revive the Undead spell. The undead goblin abruptly crumbles back into lifeless stillness as it collapses in a heap.

I collect all the items that I can from the supplies of the goblins moving their bodies off the trail. I touch the dirt floor of the forest. Thinking, fresh food just off the trail. I then walk towards the village.

You gather the supplies left behind, moving the bodies of the goblins off the trail. You then tap into the magic of the forest, communicating with the local wildlife, informing them of the fresh food available nearby. With everything in order, you turn your attention to the nearby village and begin making your way towards it.

As I get close to the village what do I see?

As you approach the village, you notice a small community that appears modest and tranquil. The homes are built with wood and stone, blending harmoniously into the surrounding environment. The air is filled with the sounds of everyday life, with villagers going about their tasks and children playing in the streets. The area seems generally peaceful, with no signs of imminent danger or disturbance.

In my current dishevelled state, I find the nearest person and ask for some help.

As you arrive in the village, one of the first individuals you encounter is a kind-hearted healer. Your dishevelled appearance and weary state are noticeable, and the healer immediately offers assistance. She ushers you into a nearby healer's hall, where she tends to your basic needs and helps you recover from the recent ordeal.

I tell the story as I know it that I evidently had been abducted by some goblins. I was able to overcome the prison they held me in. And steal some supplies from some of their comrades. Leaving out the part that they were killed...

You tell the healer your story, explaining that you had been abducted by some goblins and managed to escape their captivity after overcoming a prison. You also mention that you were able to take some supplies from the goblins' stash before fleeing, although you tactfully leave out the part about killing them.

The healer listens raptly to your tale, nodding in understanding and occasionally expressing sympathy for your ordeal.

I asked if the village has any bounties for goblin armor. Or if there is a place where I can sell some of the supplies that I have acquired?

The healer considers your question for a moment, then replies, "Our village does have a bounty on goblin armor, as their raids have been a persistent issue. We also have a trading area where you can sell supplies and miscellaneous items."

She then adds, "If you have any goblin armor with you, you can bring it to the blacksmith. He will give you a fair price for it, and the village will be grateful for your contribution to our defenses."

I wait a few days and heal up. Sadly I still do not remember anything about myself. I've decided that I will ask the healer what name I should go by. Something that would not cause too much attention and sound pleasant to the years of the villagers.

After a few days of rest and recovery, you feel stronger and more rejuvenated. However, your amnesia persists, and you still cannot recall anything about your identity. Reflecting on your situation, you decide to approach the healer and ask for her assistance in choosing a new name.

You explain to her that you want a name that is not too conspicuous but still pleasant to the villagers. The healer considers your request for a moment before suggesting, "How about Aelfwine? It's a name that resonates well with the villagers and has a gentle, melodic sound to it."

Count the coins that I have collected. How many do I have? And of what type are gold or silver?

You take the pouch of coins and count them carefully. Inside the pouch, you find a total of 300 coins. As you examine them closely, you can see that they are made of gold, with a lustrous shine and a solid weight to them. They seem to be of high quality and could be quite valuable.

Do I have any silver coins?

Searching further, you discover that you also have a pouch of silver coins in your possession. Upon counting, you find that there are approximately 50 coins in the pouch, all made of silver.

After meticulously rummaging through your belongings, you don't appear to have any additional coins of any type. Between the pouch of silver coins you've found and the pouch of gold, you have a total of 350 coins.

I asked the healer where I can take all my belongings and get a room for a few nights?

She looks at you with a warm smile and responds, "Certainly, we have an inn nearby that would be perfect for you. They offer good food, clean rooms, and a safe place to rest your weary bones."

She then gives you clear directions to the inn and advises, "You can find the inn just a few streets down, at the end of the main street. The innkeeper is a friendly fellow, and he'll make sure you have a comfortable stay."

I think for a moment so that I can remember the name of the healer. I recall her name. What is it?

You take a moment to focus your mind, trying to recall the name of the healer. After a brief pause, the name comes back to you.

Her name is Alisande, a warm and caring individual who has selflessly attended to your needs throughout your time in the village.

I ask. Alisande, what is the name of this place?

Alisande looks at you with a gentle smile and replies, "This village is called Willowbrook. It's a small but tightly knit community. We have a rich history and strong bonds that connect us together."

"Willowbrook was founded centuries ago by a group of settlers seeking refuge from the dangers of the surrounding lands. It was built amidst the lush, fertile fields and gently flowing river, providing a peaceful and sustainable living space for those who sought a new beginning."

"Over the years, the village has grown and developed, becoming a close-knit community that values its traditions and the natural beauty of its surroundings."

I tell her thank you and I will always remember her kindness. I give her 10 gold coins and say that these are for her to use in her work.

Alisande's eyes widen with surprise and gratitude as you offer her the 10 gold coins. She takes them with a grateful smile and says sincerely, "Thank you, Aelfwine. These coins will go a long way in helping me continue my work and assisting those in need. Your kindness is truly appreciated."

I leave the healer's hall. And proceed up the road to the end that she told me about. I open the door and see a front desk or a man looks down at me.

With Alisande's directions in mind, you make your way up the road and eventually arrive at the inn. As you open the door, you see a man seated behind a front desk, eyeing you with a friendly expression.

I was told I could find a room?

The innkeeper nods, giving you a welcoming smile. "Certainly. We have a lovely room available for you. How long will you be staying with us?" he asks.

I'm not sure but how much for a week?

The innkeeper glances at a ledger behind the desk and replies, "For a week's stay, it would be 15 gold coins."

I say how about 2 days?

The innkeeper considers your request and adjusts his price accordingly. "Ah, for a shorter stay of just two days, the cost would be 7 gold coins."

You know I think, on second thought I'll pay for a week. I hand him 15 gold coins.

The innkeeper nods appreciatively as you hand him the coins. "Wise choice," he muses. "A week will give you time to properly rest and explore the village. You'll find the room comfortable, and we'll make sure you're well-fed and looked after during your stay."

I say thanks and head up to my room. I open the door to my room. tell me what I see

As you open the door to your room, you find a tidy and inviting space. The room is modestly furnished but comfortable, with a plush bed in the center and a small table and chair in the corner. A window allows natural light to pour in, and a soft rug graces the wooden floor. Overall, the room exudes a sense of coziness and peace, a sanctuary from the outside world.

I go in with the loot that I have collected from the goblins. I close the door and lay out all the items that I have.

a small pack, filled with:

Small dagger
A crude map
A small pouch with coins
A bundle of rope
A few small stones
A small bottle filled with a clear, strong-smelling liquid
A small stash of weapons and armor
A small pile of coins and other trinkets
A few pouches of food and water
A leather bound journal

I have already counted my coins I still have 50 silver but I have given and paid 25 of the 300 gold so I only have 275 gold left.

I examined the map what do I see?

As you pull the crude map out from the pack, you examine it closely. The map appears to be a rough sketch of the region, with markings and symbols that seem to indicate geographical features such as rivers, roads, and the like. However, the map is vague and lacks detail, making it hard to accurately pinpoint exact locations.

Is there anything of note about the stones?

As you examine the small stones you obtained, you find that they are of various shapes and sizes, ranging from small pebbles to larger, more irregular-shaped rocks. Upon closer inspection, you notice that some of the stones have faintly visible markings on them. The markings are difficult to decipher, and you are unsure if they hold any specific significance or meaning.

How many of the stones have markings on them?

Upon further examination, you find that a total of 4 of the small stones have markings on them. The marks are subtle and difficult to discern, leaving their significance and meaning a mystery to you.

I separate the for small stones and put them into my gold pouch. How many of the other stones are left?

After setting aside the four marked stones, you assess the remaining stones. In total, you have approximately 20 small stones left in your possession.

Examine the small bottle filled with a clear strong smelling liquid. Can I discern what it is for?

As you carefully hold the small bottled liquid, you give it a thorough inspection. It has a strong and distinct smell that is challenging to identify, with hints of both sweetness and a chemical-like odor. The liquid is clear and glistens slightly in the light. While the exact purpose of the liquid remains unclear, its strong scent suggests that it may have some practical or medicinal use.

I opened the stash of weapons and armor. tell me what I see?

You meticulously count each item in the stash:

Daggers: 5
Swords: 3
Shields: 4
Make-shift armor: 3
Bows: 2
Maces: 3
Spiked clubs: 2
A small throwing axe, nicked and dull

Examine the pouches of food and water. Numbering them. How many do I have?

After examining the pouches of food and water, you count the number of each type:

Food pouches: 3
Water pouches: 2

I then turn my attention to the leather bound journal. What do I see on the cover?

As you turn your focus to the leather-bound journal, you notice that its cover is worn and faded, but its bound with fine leather and bears no markings or designs. Despite its simple appearance, it seems to be of good quality and shows signs of use. The only distinctive feature is a small metal clasp that keeps the journal closed.

Can the clasp easily be opened?

Upon closer inspection, you observe that the metal clasp on the journal is slightly corroded. While it is possible to open the journal, it may be a bit difficult as the clasp seems stiff and will require some force to pry it open.

Rather than physically force it open I hold my talisman. And cast open on the clasp.What happens?

As you focus on the clasp with your talisman and cast the "Open" spell, the spell energy weaves its way towards the clasp, seeking to release the tension that holds it closed. With a subtle yet precise infusion of magical energy, the clasp slowly releases, allowing the journal to open. The spell works as intended, and the clasp is successfully opened without causing any damage to it.

I opened the book to the first page. What does it say?

As you turn to the first page, you see that the journal is filled with small, neat handwriting. Despite the passage of time, the ink remains relatively legible. The opening lines are as follow:

"This journal serves as an account of my life, my thoughts, and the events that shape my existence. May the words within these pages serve as a record, a reminder, and a guide through my tumultuous journey."

As this is all that is on the first page. I turned the page to read the next page. What do I see?

As you turn the page, you continue to read the entries in the journal. The next page begins with a date and an excerpt as:

"Entry #1
[Date]: Today marks the first day of my journey. I have left my past behind and embark upon a path of uncertainty, fraught with challenges and unknowns. Yet, I remain steadfast in my resolve, hopeful that I will find my purpose in this unforgiving world."

Can I tell who the journal belongs to by examining any of the pages?

As you continue to read through the journal, you carefully examine each page for any indication of the owner's identity. There are no obvious mentions of a name or any other identifying information. However, the handwriting remains consistent throughout the journal, suggesting that it belonged to a single individual. The entries seem to focus on the author's personal thoughts, reflections, and experiences, rather than specific details about their identity.

How many pages are written on?

As you flip through the pages of the journal, you take note of the number of pages that have writing on them. In total, there are approximately 50 pages filled with the author's musings, experiences, and reflections, with some entries being more detailed than others. However, it's difficult to determine the total number of entries or the timeline of the journal's creation based solely on the pages filled with text.

The handwriting itself appears more neat and meticulous, which suggest the author is likely of a more intellectual or artistic disposition. However, it's difficult to be certain whether the author is male or female based solely on the handwriting.

I turned to the last page. In hopes to find out what happened to the writer. I read the last few entries. Does it tell me approximately where in the land they were? Since the journal ended up in the hands of goblins... I would assume something tragic must have happened. What does it say however...

As you turn to the last page of the journal, you find the entries becoming increasingly scarce and short. The writings seem to become more frantic, with a sense of desperation and anxiety becoming apparent.

One of the final entries reads "I find myself hopelessly lost. The land seems different here, and I can't remember how I arrived. Fear grips me, and I feel alone. I can only hope to survive and find my way again."

The final entry abruptly ends, leaving the fate of the writer uncertain.

Is there anything in the entries that would help me find a location?

As you look back over the entries, you notice that the writer mentions several landmarks and geographical features that are specific to a particular region. They mention a river, a mountain range, and a city. Through these clues, you might be able to identify the general area where the writer was.

Here's a brief summary, based on the entries:

The writer mentions a river, which likely runs through a specific region.
They also mention a mountain range, which could further narrow down the location.
There's a mention of a city, which could also serve as a helpful landmark.

I compare these entries to the crude map. Do I see where the city is? Do I see where the mountain range is? Is there a place where the river matches the description?

As you compare the landmarks mentioned in the journal with the features depicted on the crude map, you notice a few similarities.

The writer mentions a river, and on the map, there appears to be a river marked in the region.
The writer also mentions a mountain range, and sure enough, you spot a mountain range on the map, roughly corresponding to the description.
Lastly, the writer mentions a city, and lo and behold, there's a city marked on the map in proximity to the river and mountain range.

Since the map is crude is there any names or markings on the map that are readable?

Upon closer inspection of the map, you can barely make out some faded and crude markings on it. While the markings are difficult to decipher due to their faintness and the sketchiness of the map, you can make out what appear to be place names in the region. However, the letters are written in a sloppy and irregular script, making them partially illegible. With some effort, you are able to discern some of the names:

Willow Creek (river)
Iron Peak (mountain range)
Silverport (city)

I set down the Journal and map, I'm getting tired. I look over the daggers. As I have one from the first goblin that I knocked out. I have a total of six. I decide to pick two of them that are in the best shape. Describe to me how long the daggers is and how sharp they are?

The two daggers you've chosen are in relatively good shape.

The first dagger is about 6 inches in length, with a sleek, slender design and a slim handle. It has a keen edge, with a sharp point.

The second dagger is slightly larger, about 7 inches in length, with a broader and sturdier build. Its handle is more ergonomic and comfortable to grip, allowing a better hold. The edge of the blade is sharp, and it comes to a pointed tip, making it quite effective for stabbing.

I appear to have some kind of cloth robe it looks as though it is worn and tattered. As I observe the detailed pattern in the cloth what do I see. And what kind of profession wears this kind of robe?

Upon observing the worn and tattered robe more closely, you notice a detailed pattern of symbols and motifs woven into the fabric. The pattern seems abstract, with no clear meaning or significance. Despite its tattered state, the robe still retains some of its former elegance.
As for the profession of those who wear this kind of robe, it's difficult to determine without more context. Such a robe could be associated with various professions or roles, such as a scholar, a mystic, or a religious figure.

I see that the robe has runic patterns that used to be much brighter but due to weathering have faded the robe itself is now yellowish with age. A feeling in the back of my mind of the forest and a peaceful place with a large Stone in the center comes to mind. I don't remember any other details. This amnesia is killing me.

As you examine the faded runic patterns on the robe, you feel a strange stirring of memory. Images of a serene forest and a large stone in the center flash through your mind, evoking a sense of peace and familiarity. However, the details of this memory remain elusive, leaving you with a sense of frustration due to the amnesia that haunts you.

I decided in the morning I will wash my outer robe and mend it. For now I use the basin in a cloth clean myself up and lay down in the bed for a nights rest.

The man in the Library suddenly looks at his watch, Oh he says... Quickly packing back up the Story teller, and putting it away. He thanks the librarian as he rushes out....

Thanks all, Till next time....